Monday, October 18, 2010


Setting: Kitchen
Cue background music: "Curious George" Soundtrack (or as JK likes to say: "George Curious")

I heard a voice from the table ask "Can I watch?" as I was putting a knob of butter in the pan.  I said "Sure!", and JK pulled up the stool to stand beside me.  He first wanted to watch the butter melt in the pan, but was soon side-tracked when I started to chop the carrots, cauliflower and broccoli that were to be steamed.  "Oh no, Papa, the butter is all melted and I missed it!"  JK was a little upset, so distraction is in order.  "Here, put these dirty utensils in the sink."  "Ok, Papa." 


"All done, Papa".  "Good, now please put these veggies in the steamer."  In go the carrots, which are steamed first (five minutes later the cauliflower, then five more minutes add the broccoli.  Toss with butter, salt and pepper).  "Looks good, Papa!"  Leftover rice goes in the buttered pan, give a stir, then add the garlic and fresh ground pepper (plus some lemon juice, then later a little more butter).  "I like your lemon rice, Papa.  Can I wash these (the tongs)?"  "No, I need those to take out the pork tenderloin (with an olive oil, garlic, pepper, salt and thyme rub, seared in a hot pan, then cooked for 20 minutes in a 400 degree oven.  Let stand for 10 minutes.)."

In walks EK from her afternoon run.  "Mama!  I'm helping Papa cook supper!"  Big grin on my three year old's face as he says it.  Big grin on my face as I hear it.  I love being a Papa.

1 comment:

EK said...

It made me smile with joy when it happened, and now it makes me smile with tears in my eyes. Thanks for a reminder of what a blessing we have in this little house in the big woods.