Friday, October 8, 2010

Helm's Deep

For escapist fare from the trials and tribulations at school this week (some of which you can read here), I've been watching a disc a night of the extended editions of The Lord of the Rings trilogy.  By disc a night, I don't mean 4 hours worth - each extended movie is divided into two discs.  Right now I am at the second half of The Two Towers, the battle at Helm's Deep (yes, I have watched these movies a number of times, including the commentaries.  And yes, I am a geek).  If you haven't seen the movies (or read the books), you won't get this reference, but today I felt like Aragorn on the morning of the fifth day looking to the east for Gandalf the Grey.  This week my classroom has been a battlefield, and while I'm not calling my students orcs, their behaviour could have suggested otherwise.  I'm not sure why all the school administration thought it wise to be away at the same time (and I'm sure they will hear about it from staff at our next meeting Tuesday!), but WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?! 

Deep breath. 

No ranting, no ranting, no ranting...

Anyway, after a truly exhausting week, my help came from the east in the form of an announcement that school was to be dismissed today at 12:30PM.  This was welcome news, because I wasn't sure I would be able to literally remain standing by the end of the day.

I just hope that next week doesn't mirror the battle scenes from The Return of the King.  This area of Ontario isn't known for hobbits carrying rings....

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