Sunday, January 2, 2011


mis·chie·vous  /ˈmisCHivəs/   Adjective

1. (of a person, animal, or their behavior) Causing or showing a fondness for causing trouble in a playful way
If you look up mischievous in the dictionary, along with the word's definition you would find a picture of our youngest Sprout.  There is no doubt in anyone's mind when they see that glint in JK's eye that he will be "showing a fondness for causing trouble" as soon as your back is turned.  We knew it was time to cut short a grocery shopping errand at Walmart today when he popped open a bottle of dish soap and proceeded to spray the green, goopy liquid over the rest of the groceries in the shopping cart.  I was always amused by Calvin's antics when I read my favourite comic strip Calvin and Hobbes, but little did I know then that someday I would be raising a Calvin of my own.

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