Saturday, January 8, 2011

Monthly Photo Project

Keeping Warm
Lately I have had "photographer's block", feeling uninspired and lacking in direction.  I recently connected with a friend and fellow photographer about the idea of a monthly photo project (or "challenge") in order to break out of this uncreative rut.  Each month we will alternatively pick a theme and take photos relating to that theme.  For the month of January, I picked toys

I'm not sure if a wooden artist's figure is a toy, but the idea for the photo "Keeping Warm" came to me as I was thinking about ideas for the challenge.  The setting for the photo was literally right in front of me as I rested on our couch a week ago.  The figure and the lit candle were both on the ottoman at the time.  I thought to myself it was good that the figure wasn't close to the candle to cause a fire hazard, and then wondered what it would look like up close to the candle, as if keeping warm on a cold night.  I took a few photos that night to see if a photo would work, and although the photos were ok, I felt something was missing.  Today, I asked FK if she had any Barbie toques, of which she had a knitted one courtesy of her Oma.  I put it on the head of the wooden figure, lit the candle, and tonight took a few photos.  The photo doesn't exactly capture what I had in mind, but it did give me a starting point for other photographic ideas.

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