Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My Kindle Girls

My spouse and I recently received an early Christmas gift - a Kindle.  You can read more about my spouse's love for the Kindle ereader here.  I'm not surprised at how quickly my spouse took to her Kindle (actually, it was for both of us, but it is already literally named on the ereader as "Emily's Kindle").  She loves books of all kinds, and this love of reading has been passed to our children, the oldest sprout especially.  FK loves, loves, loves to read!  I think she loves reading more than my spouse, which says a lot.  FK was promised a turn at trying out the Kindle, and after reminding her parents numerous times a free version of "Alice in Wonderland" was downloaded for her reading pleasure.  She curled up downstairs for awhile in a chair, reader in hand, clicking pages faster than I typed this sentence.  Because her little brother was bothersome, she left the chair, climbed the stairs and went to her room for "privacy", all the while reading (just so we are clear, she would have done this with an open book as well).  An hour later she finished the book and wondered if another could be downloaded soon.  So, we have another Kindle user in the house.  I wonder how many seven year olds have a Kindle on their Christmas list?  So the boys in the family don't feel left out, I also wonder if I can ask Santa for a 32" Sony Bravia EX500 flat screen that I can "share" with the other sprout?

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