Saturday, May 14, 2011

Wood Tick Police

"Wood tick! I found another wood tick!" That's the cry from our littlest sprout each time a wood tick is discovered crawling around the house. JK has picked up on his parents' annoyance with the little critters (unusually bad this year). Ever vigilant in his duty to protect the family from the ectoparasites, he takes great joy in finding them and announcing their presence. Little people (and big) then scramble to find a kleenex with which to capture the creepy little arachnids and either release them into the wild or send them to wood tick heaven via the toilet.

Next up, black flies and mosquitoes.

1 comment:

Jodi.C said...

just a tip: if you are capturing them in a tissue, you need to use your finger nail to crush them. Otherwise they will crawl out of the tissue (no matter how crumpled or burried) and come for another visit. We learned this the creepy and hard way :)