Wednesday, April 27, 2011

When Life Gives You a Lemon...

Sometimes parenting is just plain hard. I'm not talking about getting the Sprouts dressed, fed and out the door on time everyday for school, or helping them come to a solution to which TV show to watch without verbal (or physical) fighting. That's day to day stuff which is most manageable.

Today one of the Sprouts experienced disappointment. It's hard not to bend over backwards to prevent my kids from ever experiencing disappointment. I really, really want to protect them. But they won't learn from it if I do. Instead, I need to teach them that disappointment is a part of life. Accept the disappointment, learn from it and move on to an acceptable outcome.

The scary part is that now I need to be more aware of how I handle disappointment in front of the Sprouts. I'm their role model and have to show them how to find unexpected yet positive outcomes, even when things don't go my way.

The great thing is, a listening ear and a hug goes a long way to helping deal with disappointment, as it did today.

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