Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Just How Big Was That Booger?

Towards the end of this morning's math lesson my students started whispering to each other and quietly giggling.  As the class began work on their assignment, the giggles and whispering continued, especially after my students glanced at me from time to time.  Students pretended to need help, only when I arrived at their desk, they seemed more interested in sharing a quiet laugh with fellow students.  I clued in quickly that something was amiss with my appearance.  Was it my hair?  My clothes?  My fly?  Did I have something on my back? 

When the class was a little calmer I quickly exited the classroom and went to the washroom.  Looking in the mirror, I noticed that I must have wiped some chalk dust on my face, placed just under my nose.  With a grin, I wiped it off and returned to the classroom.  All my students looked up with big smiles on their faces.  I started laughing (to do otherwise would have been foolish).  "Did you see it, Mr. K?  It looked like a giant booger on your face!  What was it?"  Still laughing, I explained that it was just chalk dust.  We all took a few moments to laugh and be a little silly, knowing it's okay to not take one's self too seriously.

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