Thursday, October 20, 2011


Encouraged by SMARTboard success this week in the classroom, I finally took my school iPad out of its box, charged it, turned it on and fell in love with the thing. In fact, this post is being hesitantly typed on the iPad. Hesitantly, as in, "How the heck do people type like this all the time!?". I need to undo some of my muscle memory, I suppose, to avoid making so many errors (which have been painstakingly corrected for your reading pleasure). Tomorrow teachers will be heading to Ktown for some PD, which includes some welcome iPad and SMARTboard training. I am looking forward to it very much. My Luddite post aside, I enjoy the benefits of technology, especially when it enhances my personal and professional life. While an iPad will not be on my Christmas list just yet (new camera first), it's definitely on my "want" list.

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